THREE levels of leadership programmes
>> 226 186 hours of training
>> In association with Henley Business School, Stellenbosch Graduate Institute
>> 42 graduates over the past two years
Our competitive advantage is people.
We invest in our people because we truly believe that our people are the most important asset a business can have. To continue providing value to our customers, we rely on our dedicated employees, who in turn rely on dedicated and well-equipped leaders.

Partnerships have been established with business schools and leadership development specialists, and programmes. have been tailored to specific business needs. These leadership programmes serve as an incubator for future leaders from which the group can draw talent and experience.

Cobus Coetzee, Business development executive, Pepkor Speciality, Pinnacle participant
‘I realised that my energy, my attitude, how I speak when I walk into a room on a day-to-day basis, when I go through a difficult time or a trying time, the way I think and act, will be mirrored by my team members and my family.’

Saleemah Salie, HR manger, Ackermans, Ascend participant
‘I believe that the world will always be changing. I don’t think that you can ever fully prepare yourself for what is coming. But definitely, through my learnings on Ascend and from recent experiences, it is important that we, as leaders, need to able to embrace ambiguity. And we need to be able to respond to the environmental shifts that are happening all the time.

Zaheer Parker, Procurement manger, Pepkor, LEAD participant
‘The most enlightening part for me was doing the strength finder exercise. It changed the way I view myself, my team and even my family members. When you focus on a person’s strengths, you actually focus on what gives people energy.’

Exco successors
across the group

Business executive successors
across the group

Senior leadership
across Group Services