Listening to customers – making a difference
Published FY2022

Ackermans is a customer-centric business, aiming to intimately know their customers, their Siyamazi’s. In order for them to truly know their customer and what she values, they engage with her in different ways.

>> 600 direct research participants
>> Launched Siyamazi Says
>> more than 800 000 followers on social media
>> 18 000 Siyamazi says participants
>> Ackermans Women format development
>> New product ranges
Pepkor’s customers are at the centre of our strategy, and we aim to understand their environment and behavioural trends to best serve their needs and create value while respecting customer data privacy. We engage with them respectfully, while giving them access to quality products and services they need and want. The vast majority of people in our immediate communities have very little disposable income. Pepkor’s strength lies in our ability to serve the needs of these customers and to be their preferred shopping destination, making it possible for them to live with dignity and pride.
Regular customer satisfaction surveys and tracking of customer value perception provide important feedback that Ackermans uses to correct and adjust their product offering.
In-field research teams have worked with more than 600 ladies in the last year on qualitative research studies. These studies provide valuable and actionable insights from their Siyamazi’s on her experience of their store experience and product offering. The insights, often presented using videos of conversations with customers, are used to direct merchandise and other business decisions.
Ackermans invited customers to be part of an insights community and launched Siyamazi Says in FY22. This customer engagement platform allows the brand to co-create products and services with customers. Their most recent study through this community guided development of a new brand within the older kids range which will launch soon during FY23.