Customers choose us
Published: FY2021>> updated FY22

Paxi’s purpose is to make it easy for anyone to send and receive parcels anywhere. For Paxi’s 24 000 entrepreneurs they provide a customised solution, building relationship to support small growing businesses. PAXI enables communities to purchase products and use services they might otherwise not be able to access or afford.

>> Listen to customer needs and research trends
>> Continuously appoint and develop talent to support our business strategy
>> Invest in technology and IT infrastructure to make purchases easier and more convenient
>> Keep prices competitive and affordable in each product category
>> Customer loyalty
>> Ability to analyse data, track trends and respond to customer needs
>> Variety of products and services through physical and online channels with various payment options
>> Quality products at value price points
Consistent delivery of value to our customers has resulted in Pepkor’s retail brands winning public trust over many decades. This success is illustrated by the annual awards our brands receive directly from customers, who vote with their wallets and their voices.
In addition to abiding by the highest standards of customer service, we also build on our trust relationships with customers by ensuring their data is always secure, protected, and not used for anything other than the specified purpose.
Analysis of extensive data sets and in-store customer interactions allows us to track consumer behaviour trends, listen to customer needs and proactively provide relevant products and services.
This customer-centricity, supported by our positive social responsible mindset, gives Pepkor the ability to retain customer loyalty over many years and remain a brand of choice across our key areas of operation.
PEP was the most popular clothing store in South Africa in 2019. The South African Customer Satisfaction Index rated PEP as giving customers the best value for money, having the highest perceived quality score (exceeding customer expectations), and being the store with the lowest number of complaints.
For the second consecutive year, Capfin was awarded the best brand award in the microlending category by the Sunday Times Top Brands award 2019. This award recognises the best brands in their respective categories and is voted for by thousands of South Africans.

PEP was the most popular clothing store in South Africa in 2019. The South African Customer Satisfaction Index rated PEP as giving customers the best value for money, having the highest perceived quality score (exceeding customer expectations), and being the store with the lowest number of complaints.

For the second consecutive year, Capfin was awarded the best brand award in the microlending category by the Sunday Times Top Brands award 2019. This award recognises the best brands in their respective categories and is voted for by thousands of South Africans.

Ackermans received numerous awards during the year, including:
Ask Africa: Kasi Star Winner – Children’s Clothing
Disney: Retailer of the Year
Beeld Reader’s Choice: Children’s Clothing
Best of Bloemfontein: Best Store for Kids’ Clothes
Daily Sun: Platinum – Best Baby Shop
Daily Sun: Platinum – Best Clothing Outlet (Children)

Shoe City won the Platinum Award in Beeld’s Reader’s Choice poll for Best Shoe Store in South Africa. It also won first place in the same competition in Die Burger, while Tekkie Town was voted second for 2019.
Pictures above left: Shoe City, Canal Walk; Picture above right: Tekkie Town, Tygervalley

Bradlows, Russells and Rochester retained their positions as top five brands for Best Furniture Store in the 2019 Sunday Times/Sowetan Shopper Survey, as voted for by customers.