We serve more than 30 million identifiable customers every year, with approximately 71% residing in mid- to lower-income markets characterised by high social needs. Our primary goal is to ensure that our corporate social investment (CSI) efforts bring value to both our customers and their communities.

Our commitment to making a difference extends to our customers and their communities. Our CSI efforts play a vital role in addressing socio-economic challenges. We contribute to social investment programmes through financial means, as well as through giving time, expertise and product donations.

Our CSI focus aims to create a long-term, positive and sustainable impact on both our business and the broader economy. By investing in ECD and youth education, we enhance employability, contributing to long-term socio-economic development. Each operating business manages its CSI budget and plans, while employees are also encouraged to engage in social initiatives, promoting the spirit of ‘paying it forward’ and community involvement.

Each operating business carries out its own CSI initiatives, focusing mostly on education, health, nutrition and economic development. In total we invested R63 million in FY23.

Sustainability KPIs